Opel Launches New Online Magazine for Employees and Brand Friends.



 Local pages for European plants in their respective languages Intuitive-use interface automatically adapts to all display sizes Rüsselsheim. Good, comprehensive communication is very important to Opel. So the automaker has dramatically modernized its employee magazine Opel Post. The digital edition now comes as a multi-media online magazine in the five languages of the European plant locations (German, English, Spanish, Polish and Hungarian). The homepage is www.opelpost.com; the country pages can be directly accessed by replacing .com with the corresponding country-specific top-level domain, e.g. www.opelpost.es for information on the Spanish plant in Zaragoza. There are also extensive local editions for the various German plants (www.opelpost.de). “When our first employee newsletter was introduced in 1949 the Internet was not on anyone’s radar. Today, breaking news spreads digitally. The trend is towards more up-to-date coverage and electronic dissemination. This is why already last year the Board decided to adapt our strategy and publish the Opel Post electronically. Now we are going one step further and setting up the first real online magazine for employees, retirees, dealers, and all the friends of the brand,” says Johan Willems, Opel Vice President Communications. The new employee magazine layout is intuitive to use and automatically adapts to every display size. The Opel Post is as easy to read on a computer screen as it is on a tablet or smartphone. The new technical platform also enables the integration of larger photo galleries as well as videos and audio files. Opel Post will be uploaded on Mondays and you can follow the top stories on Twitter.