Please send us current event dates for your Opel club, such as club meeting dates or spare parts markets.

You can enter a website to provide further information about your event online. You can also choose to make your E-Mail address available online for further questions.

Note: We only use your title, first name, last name and E-Mail address to personally contact you in our E-Mail confirmation. This information is not visible on our website. We will only publish your E-Mail address online, together with the event date entry, with your agreement.

When you submit this form, you will receive an E-Mail confirming your entry.


Your Entry

  • I agree to the publication of my E-Mail
    address online, together with this event
    date entry.
  • * mandatory fields

Data Protection

I have read the data protection notice and by sending the form agree that my data may be processed and saved for the above mentioned purposes and that I can be contacted via the above mentioned contact channels.

In the case of a date entry or a change to the date-related data, I hereby confirm the correctness of the contents. Furthermore, I hereby agree that my details can be published on this website.


If your next club meeting is imminent and you want to use the Opel logo, here you can find out what is and what is not permitted.